Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if God is leading me into overseas missions?
Discerning God’s leading can feel challenging. God leads individuals in many different and unique ways. We would encourage any person asking this question to focus on asking God, exploring options, and trusting God to work it out! GCE would love to help you walk through this discernment process! We invite you to contact us!
Some general guidance is to examine the passions, affirmations, and fruit of your life. How do these align with the mission of Jesus and how He lived? Pray and seek counsel from people in your church community. Research and read to clarify and build confidence in what needs exist and what is being placed on your heart. Serve locally and/or overseas to better understand your gifts and learn from these experiences. Give and invest your time and resources while trusting God’s guidance and plan for your life.
What do I need to do to prepare for overseas missions?
We invite you to connect with us and have a conversation about what is on your heart! The following are some general actions to take. First, seek to know God and walk closely with Him. Examine your life. Be faithful in your daily life. Serve locally to learn about your giftings and examine the fruitfulness. Pray and surrender. Obey the promptings of the Spirit or in other words, act on what you are hearing from God and be aware of how God is working in and through you. Give and go. Be generous with your time and resources. Explore locations and opportunities in your areas of interest.
Two resources we recommend reading:
Preparing for Overseas Missions by Paul Meiburger
(E-mail us to request an e-book.)Serving as Senders by Neil Pirolo
How do I know if and when I am to take the next step in missions?
We would love to help you navigate this question and walk with you in understanding where God is leading. Please connect with us to start a conversation about your next steps.
How will my missions service be funded?
Most people are not in a financial position to cover the costs associated with their mission service, especially if that service is longer than one or two weeks. Therefore, GCE partners with Reliant for fund-raising training and donor services. Reliant also provides employment services for longer term missions service. GCE is also prepared to resource local churches with the information needed to send a short-term missionary or mission team.
How much does it cost?
Several factors influence the costs of a short-term trip, an internship, or a long-term move. A few of those factors are how many people are involved in the mission opportunity, what type of mission service will be performed, length of service, and location of service.
For example, a student going on a spring break trip to do outreach at a university in Europe may incur $800 - 1,200 in in-country costs, plus the cost of airfare to/from Europe, trip and travel insurances. etc., totaling on average $2,000-2,500 per trip.
A three-month intern living with a missionary/missionary family, may incur $100-150 week of in-country living costs, $50-100/week in ministry costs, and the cost of airfare to/from Europe, trip and travel insurance, etc. totaling on average $3,500-$4,000.
Moving long-term costs are significantly higher.
In any of the above cases, GCE, in partnership with local church leadership and if needed a sending agency like Reliant, will work with churches and missionaries to walk through the initial financial factors to determine a 'realistic' amount of funding needed, and will provide resources or a recommended service agency, like our preferred agency - Reliant Mission - to learn the best practices approach for developing a ministry team.
What kind of timeline is recommended?
Each situation is unique, and God may have a specific plan that falls within or outside a few general rules of thumb.
For short-term mission trips, the more people who will be going and the type of ministry will determine what is best, a preparation period of 16-24 weeks is typical. For internships, the length of internship determines how much preparation time is needed; for one semester (three months), 12-20 weeks, for a one-year intern usually 6-12 months; for a long-term worker or family, 12-24 months is typical once a decision to serve overseas has been made.
GCE will work in each situation to provide a general timeline and recommendations for preparation for individuals and churches.
Isn't Europe already reached?
Some of the first churches were started on the European continent, but what Europe knew of Jesus has been forgotten over time. Today, Europe is unreached with the need for sharing the gospel hitting critical levels. Less than two percent of over 800 million people are evangelical Jesus followers. Moreover, “no faith” is growing faster than any other “religion.”
Reaching Europe is vital. Europe remains a center of world influence with its post-Christian or even non-Christian culture having serious implications on the West and the rest of the world. In addition, Europe has continued to see migrants and refugees from unreached and unengaged people groups flood their urban centers. This presents an unprecedented opportunity to reach people from nearly every nationality on earth, including people groups who can rarely be accessed by Christians in their home countries.
How do I know where to serve on mission in Europe?
GCE will gladly assist you in determining the best fit for you in Europe. Sometimes individuals already have in mind a country or even city that they would like to serve in. If there is no specific location in mind, GCE will ask individual GCE churches if there is a need and desire to invite an individual or a team to serve alongside them for a period. We can discuss where the needs are and what best suits your giftings and interests.
For additional information about a specific country, the following two resources can be used:
Operation World by Center for World Missions (A prayer guide to every nation)
World Factbook by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
What if I do not see the location listed that I am interested in?
Depending on what city or country you have interest in, GCE is well-connected to many partners and ministries. We would be happy to introduce you and tap into our network to help you find the right situation. Maybe you are interested in pioneering a new effort or church plant, and we would love to explore that path with you also.
Do I need a passport or visa to be in Europe as a missionary?
You will need a valid passport to serve as a missionary in Europe. The passport needs to remain valid for the entire time you are there, and it is recommended that it is not due to expire within the next six months.
A visa may also be required depending on where and how long you are serving. Verification can be coordinated with the host church.
How long can I stay in Europe with only a passport?
Currently, you can stay in the European Union (EU) for 90 days. If you want to stay longer than 90 days, a visa for the specific country would need to be obtained, typically before you begin your travels.
The following website is a resource for visa information based on your intended destination:
For non-EU countries, you can work with the host church to secure the appropriate legal advice and requirements.
Do I need traveler’s medical insurance?
Traveler’s medical insurance is recommended (although often they have limited benefits). You could also contact your current insurance provider to see what their policy is for coverage outside of the U.S.
For shorter term service (one year or under), Reliant has used Insurance Services of America; www.missionaryhealth.net/, or Brotherhood Mutual; www.brotherhoodmutual.com › insurance › mission-protection is the Travelers’ Health page of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website at www.cdc.gov/travel. This will assist you in determining which, if any, vaccinations are required or suggested.
How does the current conflict in Ukraine and Russia affect missions opportunities in Europe?
The ripple effects of Russia's war in Ukraine continue to impact the rest of the world in many ways. GCE continually monitors global dynamics and has precautions and action plans in place for keeping the safety of our missionaries as a top priority.
Individuals or teams desiring to serve in Ukraine during the on-going active war are handled on a case-by-case basis, as some types of missions service are strategically helpful and needed and can be performed in areas that are further from the frontlines.
For the displaced Ukrainians, mostly women and children, who are residing in neighboring, border countries, opportunities exist to serve alongside churches and ministries supporting these families. For further information, please contact us.
How do I find a short-term mission trip?
Please contact GCE directly for the most up-to-date mission opportunities.
In late summer, GCE fellowship churches will commonly pull together a list of prospective needs for STM teams for the following spring and summer. They will seek to make such needs known to sending churches who have partnered in the past as well as to other churches and individuals with interest.
Joining a team or helping lead a team could be an option. GCE is passionate about helping connect you with your pastor/local church as partners in the sending process.
What is the process for serving as a short-term missionary with a GCE fellowship church?
GCE fellowship churches look for partnerships with STM teams and sending churches in late fall to early winter. An outline of the process follows:
Ongoing communication and agreement in planning and budgeting with church/leader.
Team formation along with set up of flights, medical and liability insurance agreements.
Opportunities to be equipped in fund-raising, cross-cultural, mission project specifics and logistical preparation.
Fund-raising with guidance and resources from GCE and sending church.
Team finalizes fund-raising, packing, and equipping needs and departs for the STM.
Upon conclusion of the trip, debriefing is done to serve both the GCE church in its future efforts, as well as the sending church in developing people for ministry, and the individual in encouraging care and reflection
What opportunities or resources are available to bring greater mission awareness to our church?
Ask us about equipping and training (through GCE and GFM) with online and in-person options.
What opportunities or resources are available for our church to bring greater mission engagement locally or regionally to prepare for overseas missions?
Ask us about equipping and outreach training and Perspectives courses (www.perspectives.org). Online and in-person options are available.
Who will be responsible for my oversight if I team with GCE?
GCE coordinates a ‘roundtable’ conference call to help establish shared responsibilities and clear roles and objectives. The ‘roundtable’ call would include the prospective missionary (you/your family), leadership from the sending church, sending organization (if applicable), and GCE or GCE partner church.
Will I connect with someone directly in the country of service?
After a decision is made as to the location of your service, GCE will put you in direct contact with the local pastors and leaders within that local GCE church. They will then communicate with you directly and help you arrange your service as needed.
What services/support are available if I am relocating my family/children?
We understand what a substantial change it is for families to move and live in a culture different than their own. Beyond the legal and logistical requirements, your family will be guided through cross-cultural and language acquisition training. The health of your whole family is important, so your children’s spiritual care, mental health, and schooling will be considered every step of the way.
What services/support are available for fund-raising as a missionary?
We know the thought of asking people for money can leave many people feeling intimidated. The good news is you do not have to do it alone! GCE will walk with you in raising the support you need to bring the gospel to the nations through Europe. Along with years of personal experience, GCE has resources to set you on the right path. GCE partners with Reliant for fund-raising training and donor services to make the training, process, and follow-up as easy as possible.
What services/support are available for missionary care?
Taking care of our missionaries is a top priority for GCE. We are a highly relational organization. You will be supported along the entire mission's life cycle through routine coaching, training, counseling, leadership gatherings, shared resources, and an established community of missionaries in similar situations. One example of support is our annual missionary retreat, which offers a chance to step away from the pressures of ministry, allowing focus on spiritual and mental health through teachings, small group discussions, prayer, and deepening friendships.
What is the process for serving as a missionary for GCE church plants/roles?
Typically, a prospective missionary contacts a GCE church or representative regarding their interest in serving in Europe. A breakdown of the general pathway to the mission field follows:
The GCE church or representative will work with the sending church leadership to determine the prospective missionary’s readiness and fit, including a clear job description and review of location and role placement.
Assessment and mission mentoring will be recommended.
At the point of readiness, the prospective missionary will apply to Reliant.
Upon conditional hiring, the prospective missionary will attend New Staff training and begin fund-raising for their anticipated role.
Near completion of fund-raising, the missionary will attend cross-cultural and language acquisition training, and will begin the sending out process.
Upon meeting required funding goals, the missionary will move to the chosen location and become established legally, logistically, culturally, and linguistically before formally seeking to fulfill their ministry role.
While serving, the missionary will receive care from the local GCE church as a member, from GCE in the form of relevant missionary care, from Reliant as an employee and from their sending church as a steadying spiritual influence.
Tell me about studying abroad. Can I receive or complete my university degree in Europe? What mission work would I be doing while studying as a student in Europe? What locations and where would you recommend I pursue a university degree?
Many of the top universities in Europe are in partnership with U.S. universities and colleges allowing you to complete a semester or longer abroad. Check your university’s study abroad offerings.
If you are studying in a city with a GCE fellowship church or partner, we can assist you with an introduction to coordinate opportunities for mission service. If you study in a city where we currently have no presence or partners, let us know. We would enjoy coming alongside you to encourage you and “test the waters” to see if God is wanting us to start something new in your location.
In most instances, U.S. universities have established study-abroad partnerships with specific universities in Europe. The degree you are pursuing will also determine which universities in Europe have study abroad opportunities and partnerships. For those instances where your university or the degree you are pursuing does not have an established university partnership in Europe, or you have a specific university you would like to pursue for your studies, let us know. We may have recommendations or existing connections at an equivalent university offering your degree.
What about working in my profession cross-culturally? What is it like to work a full-time job and be on mission in Europe? How easy is it to get a job in Europe?
Several options exist for working professionally in Europe. If your company has offices abroad, it may be possible to apply for a transfer. Asking your existing employer to allow you to work remotely, job hunting for a role with a Europe-based company, or starting your own business are all viable options, which have been done. However, any of these options will require time and, in many instances, the help of legal and immigration professionals. If you are interested in pursuing this route of mission service, let GCE know. We will do what we can to provide initial guidance and recommend the next steps. We may also have employment, legal, or immigration contacts for you to pursue.
A few words of caution, working a full-time job and establishing yourself in a new location and culture is a full-time job. Adjusting expectations to how much time can be devoted to ministry the first year or even two will be helpful and healthy. It takes a lot of energy to make such a significant adjustment; however, it can be done.
Also note, it is prudent not to assume it will be easy to find a job in Europe, even for those with highly technical skills. Several factors contribute to finding a job in Europe. First, companies may give preference to nationals and those from the EU who are available to fill the roles, so as not to spend thousands in legal fees to obtain work visas for hiring someone from the U.S. Second, Europe is quite often on the front edge in most professions. Therefore, thinking we have something to offer that does not exist in Europe is not always the case. However, many have sought and been able to successfully secure work in Europe.
If you are interested in pursuing working in Europe as a mission pathway, please contact us to see how we can walk alongside you.
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